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What We Do

Alberta Power Generation Data

We provide historic and real-time data on Alberta's power generation per generation unit or per aggregated generation site.

Solar Power Generation

We quote, design, install, service, operate, warranty, and finance rooftop solar generation projects.

Grid Interconnection

We provide system studies, cost estimates, economic viability studies, and support with regulatory applications on permitting and licensing.

Renewable Services

Substation Design

We provide a full line of services for green-field and brown-field substation engineering.

SCADA Integration

We design, implement, and operate the 4th generation SCADA (cloud-based over IIOT, Industrial Internet of Things) for small and medium-sized production companies.

Protection and Control

We design P&C solutions, schemes and wirings (drawings and material). We have a strong team familiar with designing relay settings with elaborate Mathcad reports for future reusability and operability.

Pipeline Mitigation and Substation Grounding Grid

We study AC Induction Interference between pipelines and power lines. Using CDEGS and ETAP, we design, study, and ensure safety of grounding grids in substations and plants.

Engineering Drafting

We do drafting in both MicroStation and AutoCAD on electrical drafting.

Project Service

We provide project engineering and project management; getting a project going from the conceptual stage to the final energization stage.

Civil and Line Service

We design and model lines and structures in PLS-CADD, TOWER, PLS-POLE, design and analyze structures for both substation and lines in Staad Pro, S-Frame/S-Steel, L-Pile.

Substation Services